FPGA2: firmware version 12 (Timestamp: Thu Nov 10 14:59:43 2005) These are the assignments for the debug pins located below FPGA2 (nearer the center of the board - PL124-140). They first 8 also have LEDs (active low). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- debug signal (0-15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- gnd * * * * * * * * -- LEDs 0) clk_in (div 20M) Clock input to FPGA2 (/20M for visibilty) 1) clk (div 20M) Clock as used on FPGA2 (/20M for visibilty) 2) rst_in*^ Reset signal into FPGA2 (from FPGA1) 3) rst*^ Reset as used buy FPGA2 4) tim_busy*^ TIM is stopping (non-TTC) Triggers 5) alltrg_pre_fv*^ Trigger proir to being Fixed-Freq Vetoed 6) ttc_l1a*^ L1A from TTCrx 7) fftveto* Fixed Frequency Veto Signal (8:15) TTCbus(0:7) Backplane signals as sent from FPGA (prior to final FF only) TTCbus(0) <= L1A/Trig; TTCbus(1) <= ECR; TTCbus(2) <= BCR; TTCbus(3) <= CAL; TTCbus(4) <= EXS; TTCbus(5) <= TTS; TTCbus(6) <= FER; TTCbus(7) <= Spare; (* inverted for leds) (^ stretched for visibility)