UCL Zeus CTD Z Tigger Test Suite UCL

Tigger and Friends

(J.Lane G.Heath May 1996)
Tigger and the rest of the Pooh family can be built in FLT mode for testing the CTD FLT (instead of the usual LTC mode for testing the LTCs). Building in FLT mode includes lots of Greg's FLT test software and the different members of the family enable the same software tests to be run in different configurations (of transputer network and MTC/LTC).

The Tiggerish members of the family are used because they freeze the readout pipeline, which enables full checking of the FLT by the software. The tests involve loading the z-card pipelines with a test pattern, configuring the FLT cards, then clocking the test pattern through the FLT and checking the results when a trigger occurs.

Either JBL's files or Greg's versions could be used although most of the stuff will be in common. You could try running in the UCL area to start with.

How to Test the CTD FLT

  1. Execute: SETUP.COM in [UCL.POOH.TIGGER.GREG] or [HEATH.UCL.POOH] on ZUKVS3. This runs [UCL.POOH]SETUP.COM which defines a dozen or so symbols for running different versions of the program, and then defines some logical names and FLT building mode:
    $ @userdisk:[UCL.POOH.TIGGER.GREG]SETUP .
    N.B. This .COM file has the very strange effect of setting your default directory to a search list. So commands like $ DIR will have funny effects. Anyway ... proceed.
  2. There are a number of .BTLs (bootable files) lying around. To run one you should just need to enter its name, eg
    $ TIGGER .
    This is the version which requires you to press buttons on the MMBox. You need to press Reset then Initialise then Start (to run continuously) or there's a button to give a single-shot trigger.

The Output

The first thing that should happen when you start the program is you get a load of messages from each crate. Most of these say things like 'FLT setup complete'. The first ones come from crates 17 and 18 since they don't have to do anything ... then 15,13,11,...,1 (I think), the ones with only 1 CP3 card, then 16,14 etc. If you've got any of the dodgy cards in that don't setup properly (eg the CP1 with a chip missing) you will probably get some extra nasty messages from them. Eventually all the crates should be configured. Then if you send a trigger or press Start you will probably start getting error messages when the tests fail. If things go well you get a message every few events, otherwise you may well get dozens of messages every event.

The O key toggles the output of error messages on and off. Pressing the SPACE key gives a summary of messages so far, and RETURN (or any other key) exits the program. There are other versions of the program which run without having to press buttons on the MMBox, and so are often more convenient, eg for the whole system (cf TIGGER above) try
$ TIGG .
There's a version which uses the flying lead connected to a single crate and makes the LTC in that crate do both the LTC and MTC functions:
For a single transputer, eg single LTC stand-alone on Level 6, try
The FLT tests are controlled by FLTMODE.INC and the messages are defined by MESSAGES.INC .

Rebuilding It

If you get to wanting to edit any of the occam and re-build, you'll need to take your own copy of everything in [UCL.POOH.TIGGER.GREG] or [HEATH.UCL.POOH] or [HEATH.UCL.SPTEST] and edit SETUP.COM to use your own directory. There's an .MMS file which lets you re-build (and an .FLT file that sets FLT mode). Make sure you specify the thing you really want to re-build as otherwise it takes a long time re-compiling the same bits of code several times (for different versions). So you need to say eg

Available Bootable Files

To end with here's the complete list of available bootable files (extracted comments from the .MMS file):
! Piglet and the rest of the Pooh family test the following...

!    Piglet.btl : the system stand-alone                (except LTC in RBOX1)
!      Pooh.btl : the system stand-alone
!  PoohBear.btl : the system with the GFLT or MMbox
!    Tigger.btl : the system with the GFLT or MMbox     (ROC Pipeline Freeze)
!      Tigg.btl : the system stand-alone                (ROC Pipeline Freeze)
!    Eeyore.btl : the system stand-alone at top speed   (no messages)
!   PoohLet.B8H : single LTC stand-alone on Level 6
!   TiggLet.B8H : single LTC stand-alone on Level 6     (ROC Pipeline Freeze)
! FlyingPig.btl : single LTC stand-alone by Flying Lead
! FlyingTig.btl : single LTC stand-alone by Flying Lead (ROC Pipeline Freeze)
! FlyingTig2.btl:            ditto but crate number = 2