Notes on Monte Carlo generation & ntupling 9.9.2004 ==================================================== (1) Building the tar-ball. Sunny has written decent instructions here : Remember that the dataset definition file must be in the tarball, even if not yet in CVS. (2) Submitting MCProd job. Instructions are above and also in CDF-7055. A very useful script for CAF submission of MCProd jobs is : cdfopr/scripts/submit_MCProd For example : Dave(nucl05)-> ./cdfopr/scripts/submit_MCProd mewkpp caf 1 735 Note that the username at the top of the script and the output file location may have to be modified by hand first. At the moment many unnecessary files are transferred back to the specified output location - but they are small and easily deleted afterwards. (3) Concatenation -> *** run as "cdfopr" on fcdflnx *** (i) Prepare the concatenation tcl files using the following script : cdfopr/scripts/make_prod_concat_tcl This script seems to want to be run on fcdflnx3. The output directory should be specified directly. Also had some problems with setting of CAF_CURRENT just before the "cafhostdir" command - needed to comment out in the script the setting of CAF_CURRENT (NB - this might just need .cafrc file in the right place). For example : [fcdflnx3:~/testRel/5.3.3] cdfopr> pwd /cdf/opr/cdfopr/testRel/5.3.3 ./make_prod_concat_tcl mewkpp \ dataset name \ containing MCProd output /cdf/opr2/cdfopr/datasets/cdfpewk/mewkpp/requests \ where tcl fragments will be put mp regular expression - make sure log files not accidentally selected (ii) Run the concatenation job using the following script : cdfopr/scripts/submit_prod_concat By default (always used so far), it wants to put the output files on fcdfsgi2: [fcdfsgi2:ewk/datasets/cdfpewk] cdfopr> pwd /cdf/data36a/ewk/datasets/cdfpewk Make a sub-directory here with the dataset name if required. The other defaults are also good. Number of sections should correspond to the number of tcl fragments generated in the previous step. The pattern should correspond to the stem of the tcl fragment files names. Modify the script if necessary to : (i) point to a tarball (e.g. fcdflnx3:/cdf/opr/cdfopr/testRel/5.3.1_physics/stnmaker_5.3.1.tgz) (ii) Use CONDOR-CAF. For example : [fcdflnx3:~/testRel/5.3.1_physics] cdfopr> pwd /cdf/opr/cdfopr/testRel/5.3.1_physics [fcdflnx3:~/testRel/5.3.1_physics] cdfopr> setenv CAF_CURRENT cafcondor [fcdflnx3:~/testRel/5.3.1_physics] cdfopr> ./cdfopr/scripts/submit_prod_concat -b cdfpewk -d mewkpp \ -s 1:1 -m caf \ 1:N_TCL -p 2004_09_09.16_22_19 \ -o fcdfsgi2:/cdf/data36a/ewk/datasets/cdfpewk/mewkpp \ specify output location explicitly -r fcdflnx3:/cdf/opr2/cdfopr/datasets/cdfpewk/mewkpp/requests Specify tcl location explicitly ("-m fcdflnx3" also works if on fcdflnx3) (4) Ntupling -> *** run as "cdfopr" on fcdflnx *** Use the following script : cdfopr/scripts/submit_stnmaker_prod First, need to : (i) Make a tcl file for the dataset in question. Copy the examples in "cdfopr/tcl". There are examples there for datasets that are and are not already in the data-handling system. (ii) Make sure the tar-ball to be used (which must be specified in the script) contains the new tcl file. This is a useful command (only works on uncompressed tarballs though I think) : tar --append --file=stnmaker_5.3.1.tar cdfopr/tcl/mewkpp.tcl (iii) Modify the above script to : - point to the new tarball - add a section corresponding to the new dataset (copy existing sections) - specify output directory (currently fcdfdata034:/cdf/scratch/cdfopr/datasets/$book/$dataset) - specify CAF email address Use CONDOR-CAF. For example : [fcdflnx3:~/testRel/5.3.1_physics] cdfopr> pwd /cdf/opr/cdfopr/testRel/5.3.1_physics [fcdflnx3:~/testRel/5.3.1_physics] cdfopr> ./cdfopr/scripts/submit_stnmaker_prod mewkpp 1 21 (section range should correspond to the number of files & files/job specified in the tcl file).