TIM Implementation Model

November 22, 2000

Draft 0.2 by John Lane


This document is a preliminary and incomplete draft of the TIM implementation model. Feedback is welcome.


This document is a first attempt to describe the implementation model of the TIM, starting with the implementation of the requirements. It should be consistent with the interface specification documents [ref. TIM_interfaces] and should satisfy the requirements set out in the TIM requirements document [ref. TIM_requirements].

Implementation of the Requirements

Interface to ROD requirements

Interface to BOC requirements

Interface to TTC requirements

Interface to CTP requirements

Interface to local trigger requirements

Interface to local processor requirements

Transmission of Clock and Control requirements

Additional requirements


On the Web via:  ATLAS -> Inner Detector -> SCT -> Off Detector

TIM_requirements http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/~jbl/SCT/TIM_requirements.html
TIM_interfaces   http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/~jbl/SCT/TIM_interface_BOC.html


0.1 26Jul00 JBL First draft
0.2 22Nov00 JBL Add References; update requirements list
    22Jun04 JBL Remove broken off-detector link

Last update: 22 June 2004 by John Lane (UCL) email: jbl@hep.ucl.ac.uk