Correlations between water fragments on silicon






Why is the scientific problem of interest at all?

Polar molecules can show correlations when adsorbed on surfaces, due to electrostatic interactions.  Ammonia, for instance, forms patches

with either linear or zigzag features when adsorbed on Si(001), and we

would like to understand if this is applicable to water, which might be a useful starting point for growth of TiO2 on Si(001).  


How is the research going to shed light on the given problem?.

Correlations might improve or worsen reaction of Ti precursors, and our research will enable us to inform the experimental researchers of how to best adsorb water for TiO2 growth.


What is the specific thing that the student will do, and how does it fit inside the overall project?

The project will consist of modelling the adsorption of water on Si(001), and investigating the energetic balance between different arrangements of molecules.  We will use these energies to create a simplified model of adsorption and interaction, and investigate the effects of external

electric fields on the correlations.

Special Knowledge

The project is based around computational simulations, and the student

will be expected to learn how to use Unix-based operating systems as

well as density functional theory codes.  An interest in computing and

computational and/or theoretical physics would be an advantage.


 Dr David Bowler