Liquid Argon Detectors for Neutrino Physics







Why is the scientific problem of interest at all?

Measuring the properties of the neutrino to a high precision could have far-reaching consequences for physics today.  So far, neutrinos provide one of the very few hints of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. To carry out those measurements, detectors of excellent space and energy resolution are needed



How is the research going to shed light on the given problem?.

Liquid Argon detectors have been shown by several experiments to provide bubble-chamber like photographic quality event displays, that are digitally read out and can be reconstructed into events as the data is taken. They are widely considered the technology of many future neutrino experiments for that reason.



What is the specific thing that the student will do, and how does it fit inside the overall project?

The project will involve working on the experimental hardware and likely taking and analysing data.


Special Knowledge




Dr Anna Holin  anna.holin@ucl.ac.uk

Dr Ruben Saakyan r.saakyan@ucl.ac.uk

Dr David Waters d.waters@ucl.ac.uk

Dr Ryan Nichol ryan.nichol@ucl.ac.uk

Dr Cham Ghag c.ghag@ucl.ac.uk

 References (optional)