

Theory, Modelling




Why is the scientific problem of interest at all?

Self-motile microscopic swimmers such as bacteria are capable of directed motion through a fluid in response to, e.g. a chemical gradient.  For such micron-sized objects the combination of low ReynoldÕs number and Brownian motion determine the swimming strategy that will be effective and the swimmerÕs trajectory.  



How is the research going to shed light on the given problem?.

Recently, several artificial microswimmers have been demonstrated that are powered by asymmetric chemical reactions.  These have been suggested as both model systems for the understanding of motile cells, and as tools for pick-up and delivery of nano-scale objects.


What is the specific thing that the student will do, and how does it fit inside the overall project?

The aim of this project is to model the dynamics of such autonomously-propelled Ôactive colloidsÕ in response to a structured environment and their interactions with other microswimmers.





Special Knowledge

This project will require strong programming skills (in, e.g. Matlab).




 Dr Phil Jones



Suggested reading:

S. J. Ebbens & J.R. Howse ÔIn pursuit of propulsion at the nanoscaleÕ, Soft Matter 6 726-738 (2010)