The ATLAS Level 2 Trigger

The e/gamma Analysis Package.


The main purpose of the e/gamma Analysis Package is to provide a simple and robust way for calculating the electrons' (including posistrons) and gammas' selection efficiencies for each of the Trigger Levels of the ATLAS Detector. The electrons can come either from single electron simulated/reconstructed events, or from some interesting physics events (signal), such as:

The implementation is extended to include jets, as a background for rate calculations. The package is based on the code written by M. Diaz-Gomez, E. Moyse, V. Perez-Reale, C. Padilla, A. Wildauer. For more information about the original version, visit the initial web-page of the package.

Package location

The package is located at the ATLAS CVS Repository:


The current, latest version of the package is:


There is also available the former TrigNtEgamma package. Although this package is not maintained anymore, it is useful for the oldest versions of the trigger e/gamma analysis.

Mailing list - Meetings

The ATLAS mailing list for the package is:

Subscribers of the list are informed about the regular meetings (normally 1 hour before the PESA meetings) and about the latest modifications and tags of the package.

The agendas and the minutes of the meetings can be found at the CDS Agenda System.

Package description

Production ntuples

The productions refer to single electron (or positron) events with Pt = 25 GeV (Low Luminosity) and with Pt = 30 GeV (High Luminosity). The di-jet events are produced with 17 GeV jets (Low Luminosity) and 25 GeV jets (High Luminosity).

For a further and more detailed description about the production's features, visit the site at RAL

Find below the location of the ntuples.

Running the package

Definition of the variables used

Cuts applied

The cuts which apply at each Trigger Level are of major importance in optimizing the selection efficiencies. It is on the schedule to perform a detail study for optimizing the cuts. Untill then, it is suggested to keep the cuts applied until now. While running the code, one must make sure that the following values HAVE BEEN USED in order for the results to be comparable.

The values-together with the variables (for both luminosities)-can also be found in the /doc directory at the CVS-repository.

The cuts listed below refer to single electron events.

Low Luminosity High Luminosity
Level 1 Calo
ET > 19 GeV > 20 GeV
EM ring isolation < 3 GeV < 5 GeV
Hadronic ring isolation < 2 GeV < 3 GeV
Hadronic core isolation < 2 GeV < 2 GeV
Level 2 Calo
ET > 22.5 GeV > 25.5 GeV
Rηshape > 0.9 > 0.9
Rηstrip > 0.72 > 0.75
EThad < 1 GeV < 2.2 GeV
Level 2 ID
PTtrack > 8 GeV > 8 GeV
Level 2 ID-Calo
η-ranges 0 - 1 , 1 - 1.5 , 1.5 - 2 , 2 - 10 0 - 1 , 1 - 1.5 , 1.5 - 2 , 2 - 10
|ΔΦ| < 0.035, 0.035, 0.03, 0.025 < 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
|Δη| < 0.07, 0.06, 0.05, 0.05 < 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05
ET/PT in the range [0.2, 3], [0.2, 3], [0.2, 3], [0.2, 3.5] [0.2, 4], [0.2, 4], [0.2, 5], [0.2, 7]
Event Filter Calo
ET > 22 GeV > 27 GeV
Event Filter ID
Number of precision hits >= 7 >= 7
Number of pixel hits >= 1 >= 1
Number of B-layer hits >= 1 >= 1
Impact Parameter < 0.2 cm < 0.2 cm
Event Filter ID-Calo
If |η| < 1.37, ET/PT in the range [0.7, 1.7] [0.7, 1.7]
If |η| >= 1.37, ET/PT in the range [0.7, 2.7] [0.7, 2.6]
|ΔΦ| < 0.02 < 0.02
|Δη| < 0.01 < 0.01


Useful notes/remarks