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ana10 structure

For performance reason ana10 is a standalone program, rather then a ROOT CINT script. All source code can be found in rootana/utils/ana10 directory.

Class ana10 is derived from h10. Thus inside this class user have access to all event variables, and all the h10 functions (like TOF, delayed alpha search etc.). Each instance of ana10 should have its unique component name (like data, bipmt ...). Class ana10 contains lists of 1D and 2D histograms created. Histogram names are coded to begin from current ana10 name followed by common histogram name, like etot (e.g. for total energy). So data ana10 instance will have histogram called dataetot. This ensures that every histogram name is unique and there is no name conflicts in ROOT memory.

User interface provided, are Addh1, Addh2 and Geth1, Geth2 functions to book and retrieve 1D/2D histogram.

Also ana10 contains own loop function to loop over events in the tree. It should be implemented by user, pleas finad an example in rootana/utils/ana10/uloop.cpp.

File rootana/utils/ana10/urun.cpp shows an example of a run function. It performs fitting, and calls ROOT GUI to plot results on the screen and save pictures into files.

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Vladimir Vasiliev 2008-12-02