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Setting the upper limit

There are few function to set upper limit on the L component. All of the require that there is only one L component defined, and return the answer as an error on this component activity. So result is always stored as lim[0][0]->eactivity, and can be converted into half-life using A2HalfLife() function form H10 library.

HeleneLimitf set the limit using O. Helene formula (window method).

{HelenLimitf("ebb",data[0],bgr[0],nbgr[0],sig[0],nsig[0],lim[0], nlim[0],lower_bin,upper_bin))}

MCLimit and MClimitch set the limit using MCLimit library from ROOT. It is a version of the likelihood ratio approach, developed by LEP. Sometimes one may need to rebin histogramms for coarser binning, if there are bins with zero background and non-zero data (such situation is incorrect and leads to wrong calculation, watch screen output for the warnings!).

{MCLimitch("ebb",data,bgr,nbgr,sig,nsig,lim, nlim,nchnls,rebin)}

Vladimir Vasiliev 2008-12-02