Atlfast AOD

The output of Atlfast can currently be converted to AOD format using the AtlfastConverters package. Click on the link to see the package code. Example scripts for this are named on the Running Atlfast page. Particle collections in Physics Analysis Tools code are typically accessed in the following manner

const ElectronContainer* elecTES = 0;
StatusCode sc = m_storeGate->retrieve( elecTES, "AtlfastElectronCollection");

The 'retrieve' function takes a string for it's second argument. This is a StoreGate 'key' which tells your program where to look for the collection you want to access. Here is a list of the keys currently needed to access Atlfast objects

Container Type

StoreGate Key

ElectronContainer AtlfastElectronCollection
PhotonContainer AtlfastPhotonCollection
MuonContainer (isolated muons) AtlfastMuonCollection
MuonContainer (non-isolated muons) AtlfastNonIsoMuonCollection
TauJetContainer (TauRec-style tagging) AtlfastTauJetContainer
TauJetContainer (Tau1p3p-style tagging) AtlfastTauJet1p3pContainer
ParticleJetContainer AtlfastParticleJetContainer
MissingET object AtlfastMissingEt
TruthParticleContainer SpclMC
Rec::TrackParticleContainer AtlfastTrackParticles

Remember to put the key in speech marks as shown in the example.