Atlfast JobOption Files

The Atlfast jobOptions are designed to be modular to allow the user to easily configure the options they want and easily ignore the options of no interest to them (such as standardized setups).

The following file is an example of how to use Atlfast jobOptions and is included in the AtlfastAlgs share directory.
Each included jobOption file in contains the commands necessary to achieve the task indicated by its name (eg.. contains commands to run Pythia). The user should decide what tasks their Athena job needs to perform and include the relevant jobOption files in the appropriate place, following the layout shown. The example script creates a new ROOT file, runs Pythia, configures the Atlfast Algorithms and creates a CBNT to put into the ROOT file. Making the ROOT file is the first of the four tasks as it was found that having after caused unexpected runtime problems.

The current set of AtlfastAlgs jobOption files is shown below, categorised to fit into the layout shown in the example. There are obviously some tasks that will need to be added later, these will be done on user request. Please write to us (Simon Dean and Peter Sherwood) if there is a task you would like added.

Make Ntuple Container File

Select Input

Configure Atlfast Algorithms

Select Output
Once the necessary jobOption files have been included, some customisation is usually needed. It is probably quickest and easiest to browse the files you have just included, find the jobOptions you need to change and override them in your script. An example of this is the last line of the example script. In order to change the name of the output ROOT file, the relevant line has been copied over from and altered. The example job would produce the ROOT file 'CBNT_Atlfast.root' instead of 'atlfast.root'. You can alter any of the jobOptions in this way. Remember the changed jobOption must go AFTER the include statement for the file that contains the jobOptions default declaration, otherwise it will not take effect.

You can also customise your jobOptions by obtaining a local copy of the file you want to change (get_files <filename>). After making the desired changes, you include this file properly by omitting the package name, so

include ("AtlfastAlgs/<blah>.py")
-> include ("<blah>.py")
This substitution assumes <blah>.py is in the same directory in which you are running.