TIM Stand-Alone Operation

[Development Version 0.001 -- All Comments Appreciated warren @ hep.ucl.ac.uk]

Introduction and Overview

The TIM generates signals to start fast commands (in the ROD, via the J3 backplane), as well as providing a stand-alone 40.08MHz clock.

Specifically the "Level 1 Trigger" including a 144 clock-period programmable delay, "Bunch Crossing Reset", "Front-End Reset", "Calibration Pulse" sequence, which includes an automatic "Cal. Trigger" after a programmable delay are generated.
These signals are also available on the front-panel as both NIM and ECL signals.

7 registers are responsible for TIM stand-alone operation. A full description of all TIM registers can be found here: (TIM Register List).

0x00 - Enables Register
0x02 - Commands Register
0x04 - Burst Count Register
0x06 - Frequency Register
0x08 - Window Register
0x0A - Delay Register
0x0C - Status Register

In addition, further stand-alone functionality is provided by the Sequencer which is documented in a separate section (see Sequencer Chapter). As its operation bypasses the enables, hierarchy, trigger delays and dead-time limits imposed by the stand-alone system on signals, the Sequencer is not considered part of the TIM stand-alone (aka CLOAC) system.

Abbreviations Used

BCRBC (Bunch Crossing) Reset
BURST'Burst' of a pre set number of Triggers
BUSYSignal Generated or received indicating a busy!
CALCalibration Test Pulse (with associated Trigger)
CLKClock usually the 40.08Mhz internal or TTC, but can be anything via the front panel
ECREvent Counter Reset
En(prefix) Enable
Ext(prefix) External - Input from NIM, ECL or IDC(ECL) socket
FERFront End Reset
Int(prefix) Internal (Hardware generated) Clock/Signal
OA_RstOverall TIM reset
TRIGLevel 1 Accept Trigger
v(prefix) VME generated command/signal
WinWindow for External Input Trigger

Stand-alone Signals

Signals can be generated/introduced via a number of sources: External, Internal and VME (signals can also be generated by the Sequencer, but this is documented separately).
The external and internal signals need to be enabled before use in the Enables Register. VME signals are actioned directly via the Commands Register.

External (Front-Panel) NIM/ECL Inputs:
These are available for TRIG, CAL, BCR, ECR, FER, SPARE, BUSY, CLKIN inputs. Currently the SPARE input is configured as a means to start the Sequencer from an external source. These are can be enabled using the Enables Register.
Signals are active on the rising edge only. This allows for detection of short pulses and prevents long pulses from generating multiple output signals.
Inputs are disabled when the stand-alone system is busy (see Busy Section).

Internally Hardware Generated:
Two programmable oscillators provide internal triggers, ECRs and FERs. The frequency is programmable via the Frequency Register
A counter also provides a stand-alone LHC orbit clock.
Triggers (intTRIGs) are generated at frequencies from 50Hz to 600KHz.
The intTRIG can also be passed through a randomizer. The frequency remains programmable, but the rate averages a 1/4 of the value selected.
The second oscillator is shared by ECR and FER, and is programable from 0.005Hz to 60Hz.
The internal BCR (intBCR) is generated using the fixed LHC orbit clock (at frequency of ~11.24kHz).

VME Commands:
All signals can be generated by a bit in the Commands Register and are edge triggered (i.e. the command bit used needs to be cleared and set again to send a second signal).


When signals arrive at the TIM stand-alone system (from any source) they are:

  1. Latched in asynchronously on the rising edge
  2. Gated by their respective enables
  3. Synchronised to the clock
  4. Have a hierarchy applied to select only one output signal from concurrent inputs.
  5. Generate a dead-time related inhibit to stop any further signals being accepted
  6. Clocked-out to the backplane map/buffers and the front-panel outputs

Starting with the initial latch, the Internal BUSY is set. This busy can be used if needed (see Busy Operation). Triggers are treated slightly differently as they can be delayed and be required in quick succession (see Trigger Operation).

NOTE: The entire signal chain is cleared during Delay Register writes (see Trigger Operation), as well as when initiating Burst Mode.

Trigger Operation

Triggers can be delayed using a 144 stage pipeline. The delay is programable via the Delay Register as a variable tap-off point on the pipeline. For this reason, when the Delay Register is written to, the pipeline is flushed. As this affects other signals, the entire signal processing stream is reset at the same (and the IntBUSY set for the duration).
For predictabilty, it may be better to stop 'running' when changing this setting.

If triggers are delayed, a trigger arriving at the same time as another signal may not clash with it. Accepted triggers, therefore, do not generate a busys. The trigger input is inhibited for a maximum of 3 clocks by a separate input dead-time system that ensures triggers can be generated at the shortest allowed interval.
The delayed-trigger is treated as a normal signal and generates the busy/incoming signal inhibit as expected.

Busy Operation

The stand-alone system affects the Internal BUSY (IntBUSY- Status Register, masked by enIntBUSY- Enables Register) in 4 circumstances:
- Input signal has been accepted - waiting prescribed dead-time
- When in Burst Mode Ready state (see Burst Mode)
- When writing to the Delay Register (see Trigger Operation)
- When a TestBUSY is triggered

All TestBUSY commands are issued via the Commands Register.
To generate a TestBUSY, set the enTestBUSY. At the next trigger the intBUSY bit will be set, and (if enIntBUSY is set) the TIM will go BUSY.
To clear this condition, set the ClrTestBUSY bit in the Commands Register.

For example:
Enables Reg00 = 0x0081Set enIntBUSY
CommandsReg02 = 0x2000Set enTestBUSY
CommandsReg02 = 0x2002Generate vTRIG
Status Read Reg0C Read Status, check 2-IntBUSY, 14-TestBUSY
CommandsReg02 = 0x4000Reset TestBUSY bit

Signal Latency

In general, signals arriving via the front panel/VME require synchronisation to the selected clock. Depending on timing, this requires 1 or 2 clks. Signals are also clocked out of the TIM stand-alone module, so this adds 1 more clk.

The trigger requires a little more, as the delay-pipeline has an inherent 2 clk minimum delay.

Latency: TRIG = 4+1 clks, Other signals = 2+1 clks.

Burst Mode

The TIM is capable of sending a programmable number of triggers (with or without calibration pulses) in a train or 'burst'.

These triggers are generated as normal via the external or internal sources, including the frequency selectable IntTrig.

To set-up for a burst, the vBurstMode bit is set. This disables all signal sources, with signals in-progress cleared AND the delay pipeline flushed. The internal busy is set.

After setting the vBurstGo bit, Triggers are enabled until the specified number have occurred and then the system will revert to the the all-disabled state described above.

The removal of vBurstMode at anytime will disable the bursting and return the system to normal operation, irrespective of burst status .

Using Burst Mode is best explained with an example:


Reg00 = 0x0002

Use internal trigger


Reg04 = 0x03FF

Set Reg04 to the number of triggers in the burst


Reg02 = 0x0200

Set vBurstMode bit - (stops all Triggers)


Reg02 = 0x0600

Set vBurstGo bit (leaving vBurstMode set)


Read Reg0C, bit 4

Poll the BurstBUSY Status bit until the burst is done


Reg02 = 0x0200

Reset vBurstGo


Reg02 = 0x0600

Set vBurstGo bit again for second burst


Read Reg0C, bit 4

Poll the BurstBUSY bit until the burst is done


Reg02 = 0x0000

Reset vBurstMode and vBurstGo to return to normal operation

As it is not possible to generate repetitive CALs internally, a facility is provided whereby the end of a CAL-TRIG generates another CAL. The delay pipeline can be used here to vary the CAL frequency.

NOTE: To use this mode the external CAL inputs MUST be disabled, and a vCAL used to start the loop. In cases where single vCALs need to be generated, setting the enExtCAL bit disables cyclic operation (to ensure unwanted signals don't arrive via to front-panel, unplug the cable!) Example:


Reg00 = 0x0000

Disable all external signals


Reg04 = 0x03FF

Set Reg04 to the number of triggers in the burst


Reg02 = 0x0200

Set vBurstMode bit -


Reg02 = 0x0600

Set vBurstGo bit (leaving vBurstMode set)


Reg02 = 0x0610

Generate a CAL: Set vCAL bit (leaving vBurstGO, vBurstMode set)


Read Reg0C, bit 4

Poll the BurstBUSY Status bit until the burst is done


Reg02 = 0x0200

Reset vBurstGo





[very very very under development]

This is a VME addressed 32k of RAM which can be loaded with a signal sequence set and run in a loop or as a 1-off train. The sequencer is able to control all 8 ***TTCbus*** backplane signals also includes the serial L1ID and TTID bit streams.

ROD Busy Operation

ROD BUSY Registers

ROD Busy Register: Does what it says on the box: reflects the current ROD Busy status exactly as TIM sees it on the backplane (not clocked/registered/latched).

ROD Busy Latch: Latches a busy on leading edge. These bits are reset by a write to the register (or TIM reset)

Rod Busy Monitor: This latches a RODBusy only if stays high longer than 16-32 clocks (this ambigous range is dependent on the arrival time of the signal -- think: 'set if busy stays high a long time'). These bits are reset by a write to the register (or TIM reset)

This is useful for 'possible problem' versus 'normal running busy' detection.

17 Aug 2005 - Modified for new register list (Reg1->Reg02 etc.)
24 Jan 2003 - Fixed typos and clarified Burst section (thanks JBL)
28 Jan 2002 - I think this was the first draft on the web

Matthew Warren warren@hep.ucl.ac.uk/