@echo off rem ************************************************************************ rem These scripts expects the following environment [change paths to suit]: rem rem path += ...\machxl62;...\vantispro\;...\cygwin\bin\ rem minc_path = ...\machxl62 rem lm_license_file = ...\(flexlm?)\license.dat rem rem ************************************************************************ echo. > fit.log echo ----- fit.bat log ------ >> fit.log echo ------------------------ >> fit.log time /t >> fit.log if not "%1" == "" goto oneonly for %%f in (pld1 pld2 pld3 pld4a pld4b pld5 pld6 pld7 pld8 pld9) do call fitone.bat %%f goto end :oneonly call fitone %1 :end echo ============================================================= >> fit.log echo fit.bat Done! echo ============================================================= echo Summary of make job: echo ------------------------------------------------------------- type fit.log echo.