Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2020/06/03
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 3rd June (Everyone is working from home)
Simon Jolly,Laurent Kelleter, Saad Shaikh, Raffaella radogna
Raffaella Radogna
- Analysed C Nov18 and He and C Apr19 data comparing the reconstructed Bragg curve with GSI DDDs plots
- Not possible to evaluate the goodness of the range reconstruction: GSI DDD energy steps are different from HIT, beam settings are also not clear (we don't know if a ripple filtre was used and the beam offset.)
Saad Shaikh
- Finished reading and giving feedback on Laurent's thesis.
- Tested He and C fitting using GSI DDDs as reference.
- Can't say much about quality of fitting and Bragg curve reconstruction as GSI data uses a ripple filter and has different energy steps to HIT. Need to compare with actual HIT FLUKA simulation.
- Finished Udemy online course on FPGA programming.
- Some useful introductory exercises using basic I/O on Zybo board beyond "Hello World" Blinky exercise.
- Will move onto Xilinx University Programme material to continue training.
- Front-end boards have been made by CosyLab!
- Will analyse datasheet for TI DDC232 to understand I/O signals and present report on timeline for operation.
- Need to get serial interface working to send commands from computer to FPGA.
- Have downloaded Tera Term terminal emulator, will find example code to get it working.
- Need to buy USB-UART converter expansion module for Zybo Z7 to communicate with FPGA without having to go through on-board processor.
- Will start going through example Verilog code for DDC264EVM FPGA serial interface.