Difference: AtlasPathena (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52007-11-14 - AdamD

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META TOPICPARENT name="HEPGroup.AtlasStuff"

Distributed Analysis on Panda

This page describes how to submit user analysis jobs from LCG/OSG/NG to the OSG production system (Panda) from UCL.
Line: 93 to 93
  Obviously replacing adamdavison with your own username. Your username appears to be the name field of your grid certificate.

Compiling takes all day

So it's good that you can avoid it.

Once you've got a job running with a:

pathena mycooljoboptions.py --inDS dataset --outDS dataset

You can go to the panda monitoring page and find the name of the library dataset produced by the build step.

As long as you're happy with this set of binaries and you only want to change your top level job options for your next job, you can do:

pathena mycoolerjoboptions.py --inDS dataset --outDS dataset --libDS library dataset

And go straight to running.

 -- AdamD - 23 Jul 2007 -- CatrinBernius - 19 Jun 2007 \ No newline at end of file
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