Difference: AtlasWW (19 vs. 20)

Revision 202006-08-03 - JonButterworth

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META TOPICPARENT name="JonButterworth"

WW scattering in ATLAS.

Our goal is measure WW scattering vs CM energy from threshold up to as high as possible.


Organisational Stuff

  • Make accounts at Manchester for code sharing ACTION Brian (computers now ordered)
  • Archive code from note and paper.
ACTION * Sarah has put her code on her public afs area (link here?) * Jon will upload a tarball soon.
  • Sarah has put her code on her public afs area.
  • Shared code repository which allows us to to co-develop in reasonable privacy but also allows the checked out version to build/link against the ATLAS code. This is documnented in more detail below.

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  • Efficiencies and purities were discussed in the meeting on Thursday by Jon, Sarah, Stathes & Simon. Propose a two stage "measurement". First define a cross section which is (a) physically well defined and (b) in a kinematic region where ATLAS has reasonable acceptance. Then, once this is measured, correct it back to the inclusive WW rescattering cross section. The reasoning is described in the 5/11 version of the note (above) section 4. The physical cross section should be defined by the pT and eta of the W's, the fact that one is leptonic and the other hadronic, and by the kinematics of the tag jets. Note this is different from what we proposed on Thursday. I think we can use the W kinematics rather than the leptonic ones because the W decay is very well understood. And I think we need the tag jets in the cross section definition because otherwise the cross section would also include Drell-Yan type events. (We can't define the physical cross section in terms of an incoming W!).
  • Text to be checked and finalised ACTION Jon, Brian and Sarah

  • Text to be checked and finalised ACTION Jon, Erckan, Stahis and Sarah


Line: 54 to 38
  We would also like to cross check with the Montreal code.
ACTION Simon and Brian


(FLT, HLT, offline selection)

Line: 202 to 184
-- JonButterworth - 29 Sep 2005 -- SarahAllwood - 13 Oct 2005 -- StathisStefanidis - 18 Oct 2005 -- StathisStefanidis - 04 Nov 2005


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1131221590" name="atlas_ww.ps" path="atlas_ww.ps" size="1256345" user="JonButterworth" version="1.3"
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