Difference: T2UKMinutes-2006-06-14 (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32006-08-14 - NikosKonstantinidis

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Minutes of the T2UK meeting held in Manchester on 14 June 2006 (by Thorsten and Richard)
Minutes of the T2UK meeting held in Manchester on 14 June 2006 (by David, Thorsten and Richard)

Minutes for 14 June 2006

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  Production of the ROBINs has finished and the boards have been extensively tested at CERN. 8 boards still have problems that need to be investigated. The German batch shows a similar rate of failures. 20 more cards will be produced in Germany, to cater for late-comers like FP420, and for additional spares.




  The message was received that Elonex has gone bankrupt, and the question was raised what the impact on the ROS PC delivery and maintenance is. It turned out during the meeting that only the part of Elonex dealing with digital home kits was in trouble, and that the PC delivery should not be affected. The danger of being left without support when the vendor goes bust was recognised, but is seen as an unavoidable risk when dealing with commercial companies, that can only be minimised by carefully choosing the vendor, but not completely avoided.
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AOB: Technical Papers

Pedro raised the need for ideas for possible papers to include in the ATLAS technical paper. The deadline is October 2007 to announce the paper. Thorsten Wengler on the editorial board. Referenced papers need to available by October next year. This will be a subject of the next T2UK meeting.
Pedro raised the need for ideas for possible papers to include in the ATLAS technical paper. The deadline is October 2007 to announce the paper. Thorsten Wengler on the editorial board. Referenced papers need to available by October next year. This will be an item of the next face-to-face T2UK meeting.

Next Meetings

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HLT software

The HLT software should be tested in one to two more weeks. At the moment it requires 3 to 4 experts to use, get this down to one, and then one none-expert. Region selector is now a service in Athena releases 12.0.1 and 12.1.0. The Bug at high eta, in earlier versions, is now gone. Only tested the ID. Action UCL to extend to muons.
The HLT software should be tested in one to two more weeks. At the moment it requires 3 to 4 experts to use, get this down to one, and then one non-expert. Region selector is now a service in Athena releases 12.0.1 and 12.1.0. The Bug at high eta, in earlier versions, is now gone. Only tested the ID. Action UCL to extend to muons.

Releases and Automated Tests

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