Difference: T2UKMinutes-2006-10-11 (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122006-11-08 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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Minutes of the T2UK face-to-face meeting

RHUL, Wednesday 11th Oct., 2006

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  • Tests
The approach we have taken to achieve HLT tests on offline software nightly
The approach which has been taken to achieve HLT tests on offline software nightly
 builds is to integrate the HLT release into the offline infrastructure. Then the tests will be run following the offline nightly builds. They can be viewed by the familiar offline interface, and automatic notification of failures can
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 - HLT nightlies are built with the offline nightlies using NICOS and ATN for nightly tests.
Meanwhile, I understand from Andre and Haimo that the ability to automate
Meanwhile, it is understood from Andre and Haimo that the ability to automate
 sophisticated tests has advanced to the point where they are pretty confident that they can automatically set up and run simple partitions from a nightly build. So it should not take long to get a good suite of tests working in the
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