WW scattering in ATLAS.

This page is probably in the wrong place but as far as I can tell it can be moved later.

Our goal is measure WW scattering vs CM energy from threshold down to as low as possible.

We had a meeting on 29 September 2005 and this was the start of a workplan.

Work Plan

ATLAS note

Sarah has pretty much finished this except:

  • The AtlFast data was lost in a disk crash, but can be regenerated. Simon Head will be asked regenerate it. This should be without pileup, since the pileup is unofficial/undocumented, and not a big effect anyway. We can just make a comment in the text. ACTION Sarah and Simon

  • Text to be checked and finalised ACTION Jon, Brian and Sarah


  • Make accounts at Manchester for code sharing ACTION Brian and Jon

  • Archive code from note and paper. ACTION Sarah, Jon

  • We want a shared code repository which allows us to to co-develop in reasonable privacy but also allows the checked out version to build/link against the ATLAS code. Action: Pete

Action: Jon set up mailing list at UCL. Ok, this means ask Gordon to do it...


We need to check that we are generating W+W-, W+W+. We would also like to generate WZ and ZZ.

We would also like to cross check with the Montreal code.

ACTION Brian and Jeff.


(FLT, HLT, offline selection) Document which trigger chains the signal should get through etc here. ACTION Stathes

Selection cuts

Action: Sarah to document what she actually does in the full sim analysis

Hadronic W mass resolution

pile up, jet finder dependence.

subjet cuts

cal granularity? How to run it practically - produce an ATHENA algorithm which takes a jet (AOD?) and produces a y cut array. Action: Pete



missing ET

top mass resolution

pileup and jet finder dependence This works in AtlFast & at hadron level. Not yet working in full simulation.

tag jets

how well are they modelled? how well is the rate known? How can it be checked?

hard pt

how well is it modelled? can it be checked?

minijet veto

is it really useful? how well is it understood? use new underlying event models/tunes.

background generation

what samples do we need? which generators? we need W+jet and ttbar samples with a ptmin of about 250 GeV. However, to get decent luminosity will require a lot of CPU so we should put this in as a standing request to the SM and exotics groups, but not sweat about generating it ourselves just yet - there is a lot of work to do on the signal.

detector simulation

how much with AtlFast, how much needs full simulation?

Signal Generation

Sarah and Stathes can both generate signal with the modified pythia routine. Continuum is the best default but we can look at other scenrios too.

We'd also like some high PT hadronic Ws Foundation samples Action: Sarah to ask SM and Exo convenors

Maybe we should we aim for someone to give a talk at next UK SM meeting (November 30).

-- JonButterworth - 29 Sep 2005

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