WIRED - World-Wide Web Interactive Remote Event Display

This Interactive Event Display is an application of WIRED (World-Wide Web Interactive Remote Event Display). By using Java (TM) technology, WIRED allows physics events to be stored on a central Web server and examined by physicists anywhere in the world - with both data and the WIRED program transferred over the internet and displayed on a Web Browser such as Netscape (TM).

WIRED was written by Mark Dönszelmann (CERN IT/IPT Group). This demonstration was created by him and Tim Adye (RAL Particle Physics Department). The events shown here were provided by the DELPHI Collaboration.

Navigation links: [Back to Introduction] [WIRED] [RAL Particle Physics]
HTML 3.2 Checked... Best viewed with ANY browser! http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/WIRED/native-1.0/info.html last modified on 10th July 1998 by Alastair Wilson for
Tim Adye, <T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk>