PHAS1240 Computing

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Week 2, starting Monday 9th October

All work should be completed in the session for which it is set. Work carried over for marking in the following week will only receive half the credit. Note that the session ends at 5:30pm, and work should be marked by this time. Please get each exercise marked as you finish it.

This week you should complete the following Excel tasks:

In task 1 (medical physics module) you have to plot several histograms of marks, normalised to the same sample size. The medics are also to be graded on a scale with some "compensation" of the grade if the mark is a "fail" mark. You need to find and look up the usage of various Excel worksheet functions (e.g. the IF function) using the Excel Help facility. (This exercise uses the spreadsheet Med_mod_results.xls.)

In task 2 (normal distribution) we create the first spreadsheet dealing with the material given in the data analysis lectures. It is a simple example of the properties of the normal distribution and the idea of error on the mean.