# BEGIN PLOT DrawOnly=/REF/ATLAS_2017_I1517194/d145-x01-y01 /Rivet.yoda/ATLAS_2017_I1517194/d145-x01-y01 /THY/ATLAS_2017_I1517194/d145-x01-y01 Title=EW-only $Wjj$ inclusive region with $M_{jj} > 1.0$ TeV: $W\to\ell\nu$ RatioPlotReference=/REF/ATLAS_2017_I1517194/d145-x01-y01 YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma / \text{d}N_\text{jets}^\text{gap}$ [fb] RatioPlot=1 LogY=1 RatioPlotYMax=2.0 XLabel=Number of jets in the rapidity gap LegendAlign=r MainPlot=1 RatioPlotSameStyle=0 RatioPlotErrorBandColor=Yellow Legend=1 RatioPlotYMin=0.0 # END PLOT # BEGIN HISTO1D /REF/ATLAS_2017_I1517194/d145-x01-y01 ConnectBins=0 ErrorBars=1 ErrorBreakdown={0: {JERJES: {dn: -5.68, up: 5.68}, QCDsubtract: {dn: -10.887, up: 10.887}, interference: {dn: -2.8821, up: 2.8821}, lumi: {dn: -0.96549, up: 0.96549}, modelling: {dn: -3.6111, up: 3.6111}, stats: {dn: -2.5748, up: 2.5748}}, 1: {JERJES: {dn: -7.8396, up: 7.8396}, QCDsubtract: {dn: -12.029, up: 12.029}, interference: {dn: -0.63082, up: 0.63082}, lumi: {dn: -0.15074, up: 0.15074}, modelling: {dn: -1.0261, up: 1.0261}, stats: {dn: -1.8877, up: 1.8877}}, 2: {JERJES: {dn: -7.1802, up: 7.1802}, QCDsubtract: {dn: -7.9888, up: 7.9888}, interference: {dn: -0.11931, up: 0.11931}, lumi: {dn: -0.097494, up: 0.097494}, modelling: {dn: -1.8248, up: 1.8248}, stats: {dn: -2.0266, up: 2.0266}}} IsRef=1 Path=/REF/ATLAS_2017_I1517194/d145-x01-y01 PolyMarkers=* Title=Data # xlow xhigh val errminus errplus -5.000000e-01 5.000000e-01 5.081500e+01 1.340513e+01 1.340513e+01 5.000000e-01 1.500000e+00 7.933800e+00 1.453248e+01 1.453248e+01 1.500000e+00 8.500000e+00 5.131300e+00 1.108318e+01 1.108318e+01 # END HISTO1D # BEGIN HISTO1D /Rivet.yoda/ATLAS_2017_I1517194/d145-x01-y01 LineColor=red Path=/Rivet.yoda/ATLAS_2017_I1517194/d145-x01-y01 Title=[Correlated all] 0.02 # xlow xhigh val errminus errplus -5.000000e-01 5.000000e-01 5.093101e+01 1.348716e+01 1.348716e+01 5.000000e-01 1.500000e+00 7.991805e+00 1.459048e+01 1.459048e+01 1.500000e+00 8.500000e+00 5.139586e+00 1.109147e+01 1.109147e+01 # END HISTO1D