SCT/Pixel Clock & Control Electronics

The UCL HEP Electronics group provides Clock & Control (C+C) hardware for the ATLAS experiment. Our work is currently focused on the TTC Interface Module (TIM for short). We have also developed a cut-down version of the TIM called the CLOAC (CLOck And Control) for use in testing.


We are responsible for the design and development of the TIMs for the SCT and Pixel sub-detectors ReadOut systems. During experiment running, this unit receives optical signals from ATLAS TTC and converts them to clock and control signals suitable for distribution to the ROD electronics, as well as providing all necessary handshaking and stand-alone functions. See the TIM main page for details.


The CLOAC ( CLOck And Control ) module generates the clock and fast commands for the SCT front-end modules - in the absence of the TTC system - either on command from a local processor or fully stand-alone. CLOAC Master and Fanout modules have been used in the SCT system and beam tests at CERN since 1998. They are also used for testing front-end modules. The CLOAC main page has more info.