
So here is the simple code that wraps ROOT TGraph classes around the lovable innards of FFTW. So if you've ever wanted to correlate two TGraphs against each other or find the power spectral density of TGraph here is where all your dreams can come true.


There are, unsurprisingly, two prerequisites for installing libRootFftwWrapper.

  1. ROOT -- If you don't have it installed get the latest version from the ROOT website
  2. FFTW3 -- The Fastest Fourier Transform in the west. If you don't have on your machine then you need to install it. Most Linux distributions have a package ready to install, otherwise head to the FFTW website.


The recommended way to download the program is from the svn repository. Try doing:

svn co (or branches/R1.2)  mySillyNamedRootFfftWrapperDir

Alternatively go to the download link on the left.


Four steps to installation happiness:

  1. Make sure the prerequisites are installed and accessible from your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  2. Make SURE ANITA_UTIL_INSTALL_DIR (or alternatively ARA_UTIL_INSTALL_DIR) is set. (You probably want $ANITA_UTIL_INSTALL_DIR/lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
  3. type:
  4. type:
    make install


  1. Start root:
  2. gSystem->Load("") -- may need full path
  3. gSystem->Load("") -- may need full path
  4. The power of FFTtools family of functions should be available to you.

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UCL High Energy Physics