Outreach and Media

I am strongly committed to communicating science, both to explain and justify the research we currently do, and to encourage the next generation of scientists and creative thinkers.

In 2016 I wrote The Particle Zoo (Quercus) as a general reader's guide to particles, the Large Hadron Collider, the Higgs Boson, and what discoveries may lie in the future. Here is a review from the Mail on Sunday, and is available from Amazon, Foyles, Waterstones and good bookshops everywhere!

I particularly enjoy live events, and in 2017 I appeared at Cheltenham, Edinburgh and the British Science Festivals. In 2015 I took a giant cloud chamber to the very popular Science Museum Lates, and have taken part in Universities Week, Fun Palace, and gave the 2015 UCL Phyics Gala Lecture. I organised UCL HEP's involvement in the 2013 and 2014 Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition and Big Bang Fair, and HEP's first involvement in the UCL Your Universe festival in 2015.

I have worked with the BBC on an award winning episode of the documentary series Horizon (Dancing in the Dark), as well as Stargazing Live 2014. I have been interviewed live on Radio 5Live, as well as making short videos for Ask a Scientist.

I also contribute articles to The Conversation, have been interviewed on Austria Radio Vienna, and for Cosmos Magazine.

If you are interested in contacting me regarding speaking about, writing about, or anything else about particle physics, please just get in touch.