TIM Registers

J.B.Lane, M.Postranecky, M.R.M.Warren

June 22, 2004

Draft 0.8

This document is a preliminary and incomplete description of the TIM registers. Feedback is welcome.



The TTC Interface Module (TIM) has a VME slave interface to give the local processor read and write access to its registers.

This document supports the interface specification [ref. TIM_interface_RCC]. TIM stand-alone operation is described in [ref. TIM_manual].

Address Map

The VME address space is A24 or A32 with the Base Address offset selected by Geographical Address or switches. The Base Address uses address lines A31 - A16, leaving an A16 address space of 64K bytes, using address lines A15 - A0. The VME Address is given as hexadecimal bytes in the following tables.

Address Map
Offset by Base Address (A31 - A16)
Address D16 Field
0000 - 003E Register address space
0040 - 7FFE Reserved address space
First word of Sequencer RAM
Last word of Sequencer RAM

Register Address Map
Address Read/
16-bit Field PLD
00 R/W 0. Enables 2
02 R/W 1. Command 2
04 R/W 2. Burst Count 3
06 R/W 3. Frequency 3
08 R/W 4. Window 3
0A R/W 5. Delay 2
0C R 6. Status 3
0E R 7. FIFO 5
10R(/W) 8. Trigger IDlo 4a
12R(/W) 9. Trigger IDhi 4a
14R(/W)10. Trigger Bunch 4b
16R(/W)11. Trigger Type 4b
18 R/W 12. Run Enables 6
1A R/W 13. Sequencer 7
1C R/W 14. Sequencer End 7
1E R/W 15. ROD Mask 8
20 R 16. ROD BUSY 8
22 R 17. ROD Latch 8
24 R 18. ROD Monitor 8
26 R 19. TTC Data 9
28 R/W 20. TTC Select 9
2A R 21. TTC BCID 4b
2C R/W 22. TTCrx Access 9
2E R 23. TTC Status 9
30 R 24. TIM Output 6
32 R 25. TIM ID 5


0. Enables Register

Register 0 Stand-alone Enables
VME Address: 00 R/W
bit Field Function
0 - reserved
1 EnIntTRIG Enable internal repetitive trigger
2 EnIntECR Enable internal repetitive ECReset
3 EnIntBCR Enable internal repetitive BCReset
4 EnRandom Enable internal trigger randomizer
5 EnIntFER Enable internal repetitive FEReset
6 EnWindow Enable trigger window
7 EnIntBUSY Enable internal BUSY
8 EnExtCLK Enable external clock inputs
9 EnExtTRIG Enable external trigger inputs
10 EnExtECR Enable external ECReset inputs
11 EnExtBCR Enable external BCReset inputs
12 EnExtCAL Enable external Calibrate inputs
13 EnExtFER Enable external FEReset inputs
14 EnExtSEQ Enable external Sequencer Go inputs
15 EnExtBUSY Enable external BUSY inputs
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

Note: external means ECL or NIM front-panel inputs. EnExtCLK disables the internal clock.

Note: IntECR is only available if the internal ECR = FER link is inserted (this is the default hardware setup).

1. Command Register

Register 1 VME Commands
VME Address: 02 R/W
bit Mode Field Function
0 - - reserved
1 edge vTRIG Single trigger
2 edge vECR Single ECReset
3 edge vBCR Single BCReset
4 edge vCAL Single Calibrate strobe
5 edge vFER Single FEReset
6 edge vSpare Single Spare command
7 level vBUSY Set BUSY
9 level vBurstMode Set BURST mode - disable triggers
10 edge vBurstGO Start BURST triggers - Int or Ext
11 - - reserved
12 level SetRunMode Enable Run Mode
13 level EnTestBUSY Enable BUSY for testing
14 levelClrTestBUSY Clear BUSY for next event
15 edge vRESET Overall TIM RESET
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

Note: a command bit has one of two modes of operation:

  1. level : command is asserted while the bit is set (to 1)
  2. edge : command is generated by setting the bit (from 0 to 1, ie the bit must be cleared to re-enable operation)

2. Burst Count Register

Register 2 Burst Count
VME Address: 04 R/W
bits Field Function
0-15 BurstCount Number of triggers in BURST
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

3. Frequency Register

Register 3 Repeat Frequencies
VME Address: 06 R/W
bits Field Function
0- 4 IntTRIGfreq Internal trigger look-up table
5- 7 - reserved
8-12 IntFER_freq Internal ECR/FER look-up table
13-15 - reserved
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

Note that in the two tables below, the frequency values in row 1 are not in sequence with other rows.
IntTRIGfreq look-up table kHz
bits 4-3 0 1 2 3
bits 2-0
1   60   60.60.06
7   50   50.50.05
IntFER_freq look-up table Hz
bits 12-11 0 1 2 3
bits 10- 8
Note: if the EnRandom bit is set, the average frequency of the random triggers is one quarter of the above internal trigger frequency table.

Example: write 0E06 hex for triggers at 100 kHz and front-end resets at 1 Hz.

4. Window Register

Register 4 Trigger Window
VME Address: 08 R/W
bits Field Function
0- 5 WinSize Trigger window size (0.5ns steps)
6- 7 - reserved
8-13 WinDelay Trigger window delay (0.5ns steps)
14-15 - reserved
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

Note: the Trigger Window register is for External Trigger input only.

5. Delay Register

Register 5 Stand-alone Delays
VME Address: 0A R/W
bits Field Function
0- 7 TrigDelay Stand-alone trigger pipeline delay (clock steps)
8-13 ClkDelay Stand-alone clock delay (0.5ns steps)
14-15 - reserved
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

6. Status Register

Register 6 Status
VME Address: 0C R
bit Field Function
0 ExtBUSY Front-panel BUSY input
1 ExtBUSYout Bit 0 masked by EnExtBUSY
2 IntBUSY Internal BUSY only
3 BUSYout OR of all enabled BUSYs (output)
4 BurstBUSY BURST sequence running
5 SeqBUSY Sequencer running
6 SinkBUSY Sink running
7 RODBUSYout Masked OR of ROD BUSYs (output)
8 TTCClkON TTC system clock running
9 SaClkON Stand-alone clock running
10 RunMode TTC system operation
11 SaMode Stand-alone operation
12 - reserved = 0
13 TIM_OK Clock running etc
14 TestBUSY Stops Int and Ext triggers (if enabled)
15 LaserInterlock Laser Interlock on

7. FIFO Register

Register 7 FIFO Status
VME Address: 0E R
bits Field Function
0- 5 IDcount Event ID FIFO count
6 IDEF Event ID Empty Flag
7 IDFF Event ID Full Flag
8-13 TTcount Trigger Type FIFO count
14 TTEF Trigger Type Empty Flag
15 TTFF Trigger Type Full Flag
Register is reset to 4040 hex by TIM RESET

8. Trigger IDlo Register

Register 8 Trigger Number lo word
VME Address: 10 R(/W)
bits R/W Field Function
0-15 R L1IDlo Last trigger number (bits 0-15)
0-15(R/W) L1IDlo Load last trigger number (next-1)
Write access in VME mode (stand-alone) only
Register is reset to FFFF hex by TIM RESET

9. Trigger IDhi Register

Register 9 Trigger Number hi word
VME Address: 12 R(/W)
bits R/W Field Function
0- 7 R L1IDhi Last trigger number (bits 16-23)
0- 7(R/W) L1IDhi Load last trigger number (next-1)
8-15 R ECRID ECR counter
Write access in VME mode (stand-alone) only
Register is reset to 00FF hex by TIM RESET

10. Trigger Bunch Register

Register 10 Trigger Bunch Crossing
VME Address: 14 R(/W)
bitsR/W Field Function
0-11 R BCID Bunch Crossing number of last trigger
12-15R/W Offset BCID offset
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

11. Trigger Type Register

Register 11 Trigger Type
VME Address: 16 R(/W)
bits Field Function
0- 7 TTID1 TTC Trigger Type
8- 9 TTID2 TIM Trigger Type
10-15 - undefined
Write access in VME mode (stand-alone) only
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

12. Run Enables Register

Register 12 TTC and Other Enables
VME Address: 18 R/W
bit Field Function
0 EnCLK Enable TTC clock
1 EnL1A Enable TTC L1Accept trigger
2 EnECR Enable TTC ECReset
3 EnBCR Enable TTC BCReset
4 EnCAL Enable TTC Calibrate strobe
5 EnFER Enable TTC FEReset
6 EnSpare Enable TTC Spare command
7 EnRODBUSY Enable ROD BUSY into BUSYout
8 EnExtRODBUSY Enable external ROD BUSY input
9 EnID Enable trigger & bunch ID numbers
10 EnTYPE Enable trigger type
11 - reserved
12 - reserved
13 - reserved
14 EnSaECR Enable counter ECR
15 EnSaBCR Enable counter BCR
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

13. Sequencer Register

Register 13 Sequencer Control
VME Address: 1A R/W
bit Mode Field Function
0 level EnSeqTRIG Enable L1Accept trigger
1 level EnSeqECR Enable ECReset
2 level EnSeqBCR Enable BCReset
3 level EnSeqCAL Enable Calibrate strobe
4 level EnSeqID Enable SerialID
5 level EnSeqTT Enable SerialTT
6 level EnSeqFER Enable FEReset
7 level EnSeqSpare Enable Spare command
8 - - reserved
9 level SeqRESET Reset Sequencer
10 edge SeqGO Start Sequencer
11 level EnCyclic Enable cyclic operation
12 - - reserved
13 level SinkRESET Reset Sink
14 edge SinkGO Start Sink (and Source)
15 levelEnStartSink Enable Sink trigger
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

Note: a sequencer control bit has one of two modes of operation:

  1. level : command or enable is asserted while the bit is set (to 1)
  2. edge : command is generated by setting the bit (from 0 to 1, ie the bit must be cleared to re-enable operation)

14. Sequencer End Register

Register 14 Sequencer End
VME Address: 1C R/W
bits Field Function
0-13 EndAddr End/Recycle address
14-15 - reserved
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

15. ROD Mask Register

Register 15 ROD Mask
VME Address: 1E R/W
bits Field Function
0-15 RODmask ROD BUSY mask (16 slots: 5-12, 14-21)
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

Note: the ROD bits are in the order of ROD slot number, eg bit 0 is slot 5 in the ROD crate, bit 7 is slot 12, bit 8 is slot 14, etc.

16. ROD BUSY Register

Register 16 ROD BUSY Status
VME Address: 20 R
bits Field Function
0-15 RODBUSY ROD BUSY status (16 slots: 5-12, 14-21)

Note: the ROD bits are in the order of ROD slot number, eg bit 0 is slot 5 in the ROD crate.

17. ROD Latch Register

Register 17 ROD BUSY Latch
VME Address: 22 R
bits Field Function
0-15 RODlatch ROD BUSY latch (16 slots: 5-12, 14-21)
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET or by a write

Note: the ROD bits are in the order of ROD slot number, eg bit 0 is slot 5 in the ROD crate.

18. ROD Monitor Register

Register 18 ROD BUSY Monitor
VME Address: 24 R
bits Field Function
0-15 RODmonitor ROD BUSY monitor (16 slots: 5-12, 14-21)
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET or by a write

Note: the ROD bits are in the order of ROD slot number, eg bit 0 is slot 5 in the ROD crate.

19. TTC Data Register

Register 19 TTC Data
VME Address: 26 R
bits Field Function
0- 7 Dout Long-format data
8-15 SubAddr Sub-address
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET or by a write

20. TTC Select Register

Register 20 TTC Select
VME Address: 28 R/W
bits Field Function
0- 3 DQselect Select long-format Data Qualifier
4-15 - undefined
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

21. TTC BCID Register

Register 21 TTC BCID
VME Address: 2A R
bits Field Function
0-11 TTC_BCID TTC bunch number
12-15 - undefined
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

22. TTCrx Access Register

Register 22 TTCrx Access
VME Address: 2C R/W
bitsR/W Field Function
0- 7R/W Data TTCrx data (read or write)
8-12R/W Pointer TTCrx register number
13R/W Read I2C Read (not Write)
14R/W Enable I2C clock enable
15 W Control I2C Go
15 R Control I2C Busy handshake
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET

23. TTC Status Register

Register 23 TTC Status
VME Address: 2E R
bit Field Function
0 BCntRes BCReset
1 EvCntRes ECReset
2 Brcst(2) FEReset bit - system message
3 Brcst(3) Broadcast bit - system message
4 Brcst(4) Broadcast bit - system message
5 Brcst(5) Broadcast bit - system message
6 Brcst(6) Calibrate bit - user message
7 Brcst(7) Broadcast bit - user message
8 L1Accept Trigger
9 BrcstStr1 Broadcast strobe - system message
10 BrcstStr2 Broadcast strobe - user message
11 DoutStr Long-format data strobe
12 DbErrStr Double error or frame error occured
13 SinErrStr Single error occured
14 TTCReady TTCrx operating correctly
15 - reserved = 0
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET or by a write

24. TIM Output Register

Register 24 TIM Output
VME Address: 30 R
bit Field Function
0 TTCout0 L1Accept trigger
1 TTCout1 ECReset
2 TTCout2 BCReset
3 TTCout3 Calibrate strobe
4 TTCout4 SerialID
5 TTCout5 SerialTT
6 TTCout6 FEReset
7 TTCout7 Spare command
8-15 - reserved = 0
Register is reset to 0 by TIM RESET or by a write

25. TIM ID Register

Register 25 TIM ID
VME Address: 32 R
bits Field Function
0- 7 SerialNo Serial number
8-15 Version Version number

Sequencer RAM

Sequencer RAM Address Map
Address Byte Field (D16 access only)
8000 First byte of Source data
8001 First byte of Sink data
... ...
FFFE Last byte of Source data
FFFF Last byte of Sink data

Note: the source and sink memories are each 16K bytes long, interleaved with the source being the least significant byte of each 16-bit word, giving 32K bytes (16K words) of sequencer memory in total.

Note: the memories have no reset and have undefined values after a power-up cycle; to be safe they should be filled with zeros after each TIM RESET.

Sequencer RAM
VME Address: 8000-FFFE R/W
bit Field Function
0 SourceTRIG Source L1Accept trigger
1 SourceECR Source ECReset
2 SourceBCR Source BCReset
3 SourceCAL Source Calibrate strobe
4 SourceID Source SerialID
5 SourceTT Source SerialTT
6 SourceFER Source FEReset
7 SourceSpare Source Spare command
8 SinkTRIG Sink L1Accept trigger
9 SinkECR Sink ECReset
10 SinkBCR Sink BCReset
11 SinkCAL Sink Calibrate strobe
12 SinkID Sink SerialID
13 SinkTT Sink SerialTT
14 SinkFER Sink FEReset
15 SinkSpare Sink Spare command


TIM_interface_RCC http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/~jbl/SCT/TIM_interface_RCC.html
TIM_manual        http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/atlas/sct/tim/TIM_manual.html


0.0  2Dec99  MP First draft
0.1  3Jul00 JBL First draft on the Web
0.2 21Jul00 JBL Minor update
0.3  9Nov00 JBL Minor update
0.4 24Nov00 JBL Add frequency tables, RAM bits
0.5 11Mar01 JBL Move TIM ID & Output, add ROD Latch & Monitor
0.6 21Mar02 JBL Redefine some bits
0.7 11Nov02 JBL Rearrange L1ID registers to add ECRID (firmware v9)
0.8 22Jun04 JBL L1ID registers reset to -1 (firmware v9)

Last update: 22 June 2004 by John Lane (UCL) email: jbl@hep.ucl.ac.uk