I'm currently a PhD student at UCL working on the ANtarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment. We're searching for ultra high energy neutrinos by looking for radio emission that would be caused by the particles intercting in ice. ANITA is a balloon borne experiment that has flown twice over Antarctica, first in 2006/2007 and again in 2008/2009 (when I got to go down to McMurdo Station to help work on the payload construction, testing and recovery). I'm now working on the analysis of the data from the 2nd flight.

Power spectra plots for the first ANITA flight are here

The ANITA II run logs can be accessed here: Palestine McMurdo Flight 08/09

Download the ANITA-II test photogrammetry from the Palestine integration.

(last modified Tuesday, 17-Nov-2009 13:53:40 GMT)