Difference: T2UKMinutes-2006-08-31 (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32006-09-04 - NikosKonstantinidis

Line: 1 to 1
ACTION: Fred to circulate a note with details of the bid for new build machines to the group leaders.
Progress reports:


Nikos commented on the report from the ATLAS-Uk OsC. It is generally positive, and they are particularly happy with the progress in the ROBins and the fact that the few failures are not due to a single design fault. They asked three specific things for the next meeting (which is on 03/11/2006 at CERN).
  • More details on the plan for acquisition of CPUs (and back-up plan in case the CPUs do not meet the specs we have been assuming in our calculations)
  • A definition of the T2UK project completion
  • Progress on the T2UK deliverables and how they fit into the overall ATLAS TDAQ plan


Fred: The bulk production has been done, of the 350 produced in the UK, 7 do not work. Of these 2 may be recovered, 5 seem lost. For the German batch of the same size, 10 seem dead. A further production will be launched in Germany, to accommodate needs of new clients, such as the forward detectors, and make sure there are enough spares.
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