First Name Pauline
Last Name Bernat
Telephone +44 (0)20 7679 3498

Country UK

Gaps Between Jets Analysis

HEJ versus Powheg

1.- Parton Level
a) cut: 120<pt(avg)<150; plots: Gap fraction versus dY and average number of jets versus dY

 <img width="728" alt="GapFraction_DeltaY_HEJ_Powheg_PL_BinAndy.gif" src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/GapFraction_DeltaY_HEJ_Powheg_PL_BinAndy.gif" height="368"></img> 
 <img width="733" alt="N_DeltaY_HEJ_Powheg_BinAndy.gif" src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/N_DeltaY_HEJ_Powheg_BinAndy.gif" height="372"></img> 
b) cut: 2<dY<3; plots: Gap fraction versus pt(avg) and average number of jets vs pt(avg)
 <img width="721" alt="GapFraction_pTaverage_HEJ_Powheg_BinAndy.gif" src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/GapFraction_pTaverage_HEJ_Powheg_BinAndy.gif" height="365"></img>
c) cut: 120<pt(avg)<150 and 2<dY<3; plots: Gap fraction vs Q0.  (Q0 cut changed  by +5GeV each time, starting at Q0=30GeV


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Topic revision: r3 - 2010-11-15 - PaulineBernat
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