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Name: James Monk Email: jmonk #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki JamesMonkSandbox...
Based on the recommendation of the expert evaluators and in accordance with the Evaluation Summary Report it is reuqested that the following be implemented: other...
Name: Peter Richardson Email: Peter.Richardson #64;durham.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki...
Environmental Physics (2B27) Course Course Summary This half unit is designed to illustrate the many aspects of physics that pervade environmental processes in our...
Name: Michael Seymour Email: Mike.Seymour #64;cern.ch Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki MikeSeymourSandbox...
Agenda of last meeting Matters arising News Progress since last meeting: ROBin and ROS software Other HLT hardware Networking...
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NikosKonstantinidis 31 Mar 2006
NikosKonstantinidis 31 Mar 2006
NikosKonstantinidis 31 Mar 2006
NikosKonstantinidis 31 Mar 2006
T2UK Meetings Next phone meeting on 2006 05 08 at 11am Next face to face meeting on 2006 06 14 at Manchester Face to face meeting of...
9th March 2006 https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/WorkBookRunAthenaHelloWorld zsh unalias ls source ~/AtlasSoftware/start.sh see also https://www.hep.ucl.ac...
Name: Alan Barr Email: barr #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links AlanBarrAthenaSetup .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out...
Marks UCL wiki page email: sutt #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: Enviromental Physics 2B27 The enviromental physics web page can be foune here MS...
TWiki`s Main web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Name: Ilija Bizjak Email: ilija #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki IlijaBizjakSandbox...
Name: Silvia Miglioranzi Email: sm #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki SilviaMiglioranziSandbo...
Name: Leo Jenner Email: lj #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki LeoJennerSandbox...
Name: Anna Holin Email: annah #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki AnnaHolinSandbox...
Name: Tony Hoare Email: tjh #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki TonyHoareSandbox...
Name: Ben Cooper Email: bdc #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki BenCooperSandbox...
Meeting will be held in Durham, hopefully in series with the Higgs and SUSY/Exo group meetings. Timings to follow. Meeting will be face to face, but a phone connection...
Name: VladimirVasiliev Email: vv #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki VladimirVasilievSandbox...
Name: Emily Nurse Email: nurse #64;fnal.gov Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki EmilyNurseSandbox...
Birmingham meeting: This has become aphone meeting dial 41 22 767 7000 and ask for ATLAS UK SM in the name of Jon Butterworth Meeting starts at 13:30 (UK TIME) on...
Name: David Waters Email: dwaters #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki DavidWatersSandbox...
Name: Daniel Nicholass Email: dn #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki DanielNicholassSandbox...
Name: Juergen Thomas Email: jpt #64;hep.ph.bham.ac.uk Comment: Registered to add UK SM travel information for Bham 30 Nov 05 My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Sinead Williamson Email: sineadw #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki...
Name: Jenny Thomas Email: jthomas #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki JennyThomasSandbox...
Name: Sarah Boutle Email: sboutle #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki SarahBoutleSandbox...
I have booked a CERN phone meeting for 13:00 cern time. Ask for UCL/Manchester ATLAS WW discussion, organiser Jon Butterworth. Discussion items: Progress reports...
Name: Brian Cox Email: brian.cox #64;cern.ch Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki BrianCoxSandbox...
Name: Janet Fraser Email: tjf #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki JanetFraserSandbox...
Name: Tom Byatt Email: byatt #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki TomByattSandbox...
Create New Topic in 1 Web / Topic will be named: `; feedbackText feedbackHeader wikiWordName; insertHtml(feedbackText, `webTopicCreatorFeedback`); / Update...
Please attach your slides below: NikosKonstantinidis 03 Nov 2005 tth.ppt:
ATLAS UK Higgs meetings page Agendas and Slides Next meeting AUK Higgs 2005 11 04 NikosKonstantinidis 03 Nov 2005
Name: Nikos Konstantinidis Email: n.konstantinidis #64;ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki...
Name: Martin Postranecky Email: mp #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki MartinPSandbox...
Name: Simon Bevan Email: swb #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki SimonBevanSandbox...
Name: Matthew Wing Email: mw #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki MatthewWingSandbox...
Name: Zdenek Maxa Email: zm #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki ZdenekMaxaSandbox...
Name: Filimon Gournaris Email: fg #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki FilimonGournarisSandbox...
Name: Steve Malton Email: spm #64;hep.ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki SteveMaltonSandbox...
UCL end of the meeting will be in Jon`s office. Phone number 020 7679 3444 JonButterworth 01 Nov 2005
Name: Christine Johnston Email: christine.johnston #64;ucl.ac.uk Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki...

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