UCL ATLAS Inner Detector Electronics at UCL.

Off Detector Electronics

John Lane, Martin Postranecky, Matthew Warren, Jon Butterworth

TIM - TTC Interface Module (homepage here).
We are responsible for the design and development of the TTC Interface Module, which receives optical signals from ATLAS TTC and converts them to clock and control signals suitable for distribution to the SCT ROD electronics, as well as providing all necessary handshaking and stand-alone functions.

CLOAC - System and Beam Tests
The CLOAC (CLock And Control) MASTER module, together with two of the CLOAC FANOUT boards, are currently used in the SCT System Tests at CERN. The CLOAC modules, together with MuSTARD and SLOG modules produced at RAL and Cambridge, are essential components of the basic system required for testing the FE modules using either electrical or optical connections.

Documentation is available here.
Photos of the system test at CERN (B186, 1998):

Other Relevant pages

Last update: 2 January 2001
Jon Butterworth / jmb@hep.ucl.ac.uk