UCL Intro MINOS People CalDet Work Links UCL
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Work at UCL

The UCL group has involvement in most aspects of MINOS. In addition to the tasks listed here, MINOS students have spent several months at Soudan, working on general detector installation tasks.

Current Work


The Calibration Detector is a small (12 tonnes) detector of MINOS geometry that is exposed to electrons, muons, pions and protons of known energy in CERN testbeams in order to understand the response of the MINOS detectors, and to compare the different electronics used in the Near and Far detectors. The UCL group continues to lead this effort, which began in 2001. CalDet will be dismantled early in 2004. Lean more about work on CalDet. The CalDet remains the major focus of MINOS work at UCL.

Analysis Working Groups

As MINOS moves from a construction to an exploitation phase, so the focus of work at UCL shifts from construction to analysis. Two UCL group members are convenors of analysis working groups (Jenny Thomas: νμ appearance, Phil Adamson: νμ → νe.

Past Work

Development of Light Injection Calibration system

The MINOS LI calibration system was designed at Sussex based on extensive R&D work at UCL and Sussex.

Evaluation of Hamamatsu M16 phototubes

Data Acquisition Software