Paul's web page


:: home :: personal :: climbing

Hehe. When I gain some inspiration, I'll write something here

Meanwhile have some exciting links:

Ah. And some links to the manufacturers of some of the stuff I use:
Rock boots
La Sportiva's Miura rock boots: these shoes are great for technical climbing on small holds. I wore through both toes of them, so I went and bought a pair of Boreal Pyros which are a bit less of an extreme shape, a (very little) bit more comfortable, and have velcro straps. They're reasonable for edging, and better than the Miuras for tenuous smears. Oh, and have just started falling apart, mere months after I bought them. Oh dear.
Rab's lovely, warm, but daftly named Quantum Photon Smock.

Oh, and as I've got them, some photos of a trip to the Peak District on the 11th to the 13th of July 2003.

Pictures from Mile End

And more pictures from Pembroke on the 3rd of August 2003: Pembroke on the 3rd of August 2003.

Pictures from Peak District 16,17 August. And from Devon, 23-25 August

A week of climbing in the Peak District from the 8th to the 13th of September.

The first UCLMC meet i could make this year, again in the Peak District.

Cornwall, oh Cornwall, come to Cornwall!

No climbing for over a month, but here's a trip to Fontainebleau (which I can now spell) for the long Easter weekend. Marvellous.

And not long after that: The Peak District again, on the Sunday and Monday of the May Bank Holiday. Unfortunately, considering I led my first HVS and then my first E1 (with a fall, hah hum), I have only three pictures of climbing. Bugger.

Two weekends later, Staffordshire Grit - we picked the smaller crags. Went to Castle Naze on Saturday, but I forgot my camera. Went to Ramshaw on Sunday, which is nothing like so good, but still fun.

And more Grit, back to the more usual haunts of Millstone and Froggat.

Off to the North of the Peak with Fran: Dovestones Edge.

Deep water soloing in Pembroke in July 2004.

A lazy weekend near Derby, resulting in a partial day's climbing at Windgather.