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DRS Comparision of TCP Stacks on DataTAG

The graph below shows the throughput achieved by each protocol along the DataTAG test bed. As you can see, ScalableTCP appears to obtain the highest throughput out of all the stacks - with a pretty consistent relation between the throughput and the drop rate.

One can see that the the throughput of the Vanilla stack is very errattic; however, does follow a trend; HSTCP is similar, but not as bad; only obtaining a light lead (when compared to Scalable).

Looking at the stdevs shows that whilst Scalable does achieve a higher throughpt on average, it also has a much higher variance.

Comparing the CoV metric for all stacks shows that Scalable does indeed maintain a better thruput than the others; being consistently lower than the other stacks. We also see that HSTCP manages better performance than Vanilla.

We see that the higher thruput is obtained by the higher ave cwnd of the different stacks. The effects of DRS are apparent in the low loss region with very high cwnd achived for the Vanilla stack.

Looking at the stdev above, shows that they all follow pretty much the same variance in the cwnds.

Relating the avecwnd value and the thruput shows that they are not a linearly related as they were for the MBNG network.











Tue, 5 August, 2003 15:58 Previous PageNext Page
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