Personal Miscellaneous TCP/IP GRID Quality of Service Multi-Cast


lan wan


Odd behaviour with UDPMon at 100 mbit rates on Boston machines


These tests were conducted on a the Boston Supermicro Dual Xeon machines with .....,.....

The tests were conducted on a back to back configuration with the build in 100 mbit/sec NICs. Driver's show that they are e100 (intel) compatible.


A script was used to iterate through all values of packet size and interval to create 2d tables of each udpmon variable. The scripts are:

do_packetsize.pl - a perl script to run udpmon with various packet sizes and present table
udpmon-cook.pl - perl script to tabulate udpmon data
do_packetsize-vs-interval.pl - wrapper script to run and create a 2d table of all udpmon variables - was adjusted to truncate long file names so that summary files can be created.

The test was left to run on the machines using very fine grained increments in each parameter and the values plotted below.


Excel file here.







Wed, 23 July, 2003 13:07 Previous PageNext Page
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© 2001-2003, Yee-Ting Li, email: ytl@hep.ucl.ac.uk, Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 1376, Fax: +44 (0) 20 7679 7145
Room D14, High Energy Particle Physics, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, UCL, Gower St, London, WC1E 6BT