Applications are now open for Brian Duff summer internships in the HEP group:
the application deadline is 17:00 on Monday 29th April 2024.
See the HEP Summer Students Project Page for a list of projects and details of how to apply.
The High Energy Physics group at UCL invites applications for a
Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) diagnostics development.
A new, ultraprecise measurement of the subatomic muon particle’s anomalous magnetic moment, conducted at US-based Fermilab and involving researchers from UCL, reinforces a discrepancy between theory and experiment that physicists can’t explain, potentially hinting at new physics.
High Energy Physics
The UCL high energy physics group has 50 academic, research and technical staff and
over 50 PhD students. We are one of the largest groups in the country with research areas spanning: theory/phenomenology, detector, software and accelerator R&D and analysis of data from the LHC,
dark matter and neutrino experiments.
Examiners: Anthony Brown (Durham) and Jon Butterworth (UCL)
Everyone is invited for drinks in E7, Physics after the viva.
: Joe Davighi (CERN) -- Maths 500
A TeV scale origin for Higgs and Flavour?
The hierarchy problem remains a strong theoretical motivation for there being new physics close to the TeV scale, such as compositeness or supersymmetry. Precision flavour measurements, on the other hand, probe scales up to 10^6 TeV, which tell us that a solution to the hierarchy problem must have a special flavour structure. For example, the new physics might be 'minimally flavour violating', which evades flavour bounds, but is now probed up to 10 TeV by a battery of LHC data. We discuss an alternative flavour structure, in which new physics couples preferentially to the third family. Such intrinsically flavour non-universal new physics is still viable close to the TeV scale. Moreover, this non-universal approach points to BSM models in which the hierarchy problem and the flavour puzzle are solved together near the TeV scale. Models in this class predict a rich phenomenology in electroweak, flavour, and high pT observables, that can be probed from many directions in present and future colliders.
Applications are now open for Brian Duff summer internships in the HEP group:
the application deadline is 17:00 on Monday 29th April 2024.
See the HEP Summer Students Project Page for a list of projects and details of how to apply.
The High Energy Physics group at UCL invites applications for a
Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) diagnostics development.
A new, ultraprecise measurement of the subatomic muon particle’s anomalous magnetic moment, conducted at US-based Fermilab and involving researchers from UCL, reinforces a discrepancy between theory and experiment that physicists can’t explain, potentially hinting at new physics.
We are keen to support a limited number of strong candidates in applying for Research Fellowships.
If your profile and interests match our activities, we would be very interested to hear from you.
The High Energy Physics group at UCL invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) diagnostics development.
The Data Intensive Science (DIS) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in the Department of Physics and Astronomy are offering up to five summer research placements to undergraduates interested in pursuing research projects over the summer. Deadline:
A step closer in the quest for Higgs pair production at the LHC
The latest result in the search for Higgs pair production in ATLAS at the LHC, in the 4b final state, is now out:
with big contributions from the UCL ATLAS team, including the co-editor of the journal publication.
Higgs pair production (the production of two Higgs bosons in a single proton-proton collision at the LHC)
is a rare process that can shed light on the properties of the Higgs boson and particularly the Higgs field
potential (the famous "Mexican hat"). The Electroweak Phase Transition, one of the most dramatic and
defining moments in the evolution of our Universe, happened around 1 picosecond (one billionth of a
millisecond!) after the Big Bang. The shape of the Higgs field potential is intricately linked to that moment.
The Cosmoparticle Initiative congratulates core staff member Chamkaur Ghag on his election as spokesperson for the LZ dark matter detection experiment.
Professors Chamkaur Ghag and Peter Barker (both UCL Physics & Astronomy) receive a major grant which builds on the work they have been carrying out within the Cosmoparticle Initiative.