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Linear Collider

27 Jul 2024

UCL T-474 webpage

This research is no longer active but kept for documentation and future interest.

News and updates

  • 2007.09.24 : Added LC-ABD talks from meeting in Liverpool and the LCWS proceedings
  • 2007.08.23 : Added new section on the UK BPM system and moved the T474 webpages to /lc webarea at UCL
  • 2007.08.20 : Added links to the data repository at UCL and the run information database, see the data section.

Quick Links

Presentations, talks, transparencies

  • Promo stuff, a high-school level promo-poster for energy spectrometer related studies at UCL: odp, pdf
  • LC-ABD Meeting (24-April-2007), Liverpool :
    Summary of LC-ABD 1 (Mark) : pdf, odp, ppt
    Looking ahead to LC-ABD 2 (Bino) : pdf, odp, ppt
  • PAC 2007 ( T474 Poster session + proceedings, contribution ID 1859 ) :
    A Prototype Energy Spectrometer for the ILC at End Station A in SLAC
    proceedings (pdf), A0 poster (ppt)
  • LCWS Hamburg 2007 ( ILC-MDI session talk, 20' 02-June-2007, bino) :
    Progress report for Energy Spectrometer testexperiment at ESA in SLAC
    pdf, odp, ppt, proceedings (pdf)
  • HEP Seminar, University of Birmingham (16-May-2007), (bino) :
    An Energy Spectrometer for the ILC : pdf, odp, ppt
  • LC-ABD Meeting (12-April-2007, RHUL) , spectrometer BPM talk (mark) : pdf, odp, ppt
  • European LC workshop (8-Jan-2007), Daresbury
    • Beam Energy Spectrometer (matthew) : pdf
  • Energy spectrometer status meeting (16-Nov-2006), UCL
    • Moversystem (bino) : pdf, odp
    • Energy spectrometer simulation (simpleSpectrometer) code (bino) : pdf, odp
  • Yerevan Beam Energy Measurement workshop (25-Oct-2006), Yerevan Physics Institute :
    • ESA review talk (bino) : pdf, odp, ppt
    • NanoBPM review + Update on new BPM design (stewart) : ppt
  • UCL HEP Group meeting (29-Sept-2006, UCL), BPM Spectrometry at the ILC : pdf, odp, ppt
  • LC-ABD Meeting (25-Sept-2006, Durham) , spectrometer BPM talk (bino) : pdf, odp, ppt
  • WP 4.2 review meeting (13-Sept-2006, UCL)
    • ESA review talk (bino) : pdf, odp, ppt
    • libespec (bino) : pdf, odp, ppt
    • BPM prototype & electronics (alex) : ppt
    • NanoBPM and Multi bunch studies (mark) : odp, ppt
  • Vancouver Linear Collider Workshop 2006 T474 talk in BDS subsession : pdf, odp, ppt
  • Dubna Beam Energy Measurement workshop ( 30 may 2006) :
    • ESA review talk (bino) : pdf, odp, ppt
    • BPM talk (alex) :


 ::T474 Electronic Logbooks::

 ::T474 General::

 ::ESA Material::

 ::Project Pages::

ESA Data

You can have easy access to all data files via de weblink to all the data present on disk. If you don't have any easy storage capacity to analyse the root files present, you can easily get them loaded in root via the TWebFile class, where you open a rootfile as:

TWebFile f( "http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/lc/T474/EsaData/root.0/run-2740.root" );

UK BPM Prototype

 ::The cavity::

 ::Mover system::

  • Documentation on the mover system : pdf

General and ESA Documentation

Meetings, summaries

  • T474 phone conference, thursday 18 may 2006 - 16:30 GMT+1 : agenda + minutes
  • Summary of the Dubna meeting, 30-31 may 2006, includes summary of phone conference with SLAC : dubna06-summary.pdf
  • T474 phone conference, thursday 8 june 2006 - 16:00 GMT+1 : agenda
  • T474 phone conference, thursday 15 june 2006 - 16:00 GMT+1 : agenda + minutes
  • T474 phone conference, thursday 22 june 2006 - 16:00 GMT+1 : agenda + minutes
  • T474 phone conference, thursday 29 june 2006 - 17:00 GMT+1 : agenda + minutes
  • T474 phone conference, friday 21 july 2006 - 11:00 PST : agenda + minutes
  • T474 phone conference, thursday 17 august 2006 - 17:00 GMT+1 : agenda + minutes
  • T474 phone conference, thursday 24 august 2006 - 17:00 GMT+1 : agenda
  • T474 phone conference, monday 04 september 2006 - 17:00 GMT+1 : agenda + minutes
  • T474 phone conference, monday 02 oktober 2006 - 17:30 GMT+1 : agenda + minutes
  • T474 phone conference, monday 13 november 2006 - 17:30 GMT : agenda + minutes
  • T474 phone conference, monday 11 december 2006 - 16:00 GMT : agenda
  • T474 phone conference, monday 05 february 2007 - 17:30 GMT : agenda
  • T474 phone conference, monday 02 april 2007 - 17:30 GMT : agenda
  • T474 phone conference, monday 16 april 2007 - 17:30 GMT : agenda
  • T474 phone conference, monday 31 marchl 2008 - time to be decided : agenda